If you own or operate a fleet or commercial truck, you’ve likely experienced your fair share of breakdowns and malfunctions on the road. However, there’s a good chance those time consuming and expensive issues were completely avoidable, and your vehicle was warning you of an imminent issue all along. Here are some important tips from Glenn's Auto & Truck Repair in Petaluma, CA
At Glenn's Auto & Truck Repair in Petaluma, CA, our technicians have a wide variety of top of the line tools and equipment available to diagnose and repair your vehicle. We utilize equipment at the forefront of technological innovation to best provide for the specific needs of your car.
Transmission malfunctions are sometimes hard to pin down and might even go unnoticed. A transmission slip can manifest itself in a lot of different ways because there’s not a universal or consistent way to describe it. Since it will vary based on the vehicle, how bad the issue is, and what components are at fault, here are some symptoms to look for in your vehicle.
Has the day finally come to replace your engine? If your engine is tired, worn out, and problematic, we can help. Here’s a look into remanufactured engines; what they are, what ‘remanufactured’ means, and why they’re a great way to give your car new life.
If you own or operate a fleet or commercial vehicle, you’ve undoubtedly heard the horrible squeal of a belt on its last leg. Luckily, Glenn's Auto & Truck Repair in Petaluma, CA has the solution.
Windshield wipers are one of those things that you never think about until you need them. From Glenn's Auto & Truck Repair in Petaluma, here’s a reminder to keep yours in good shape, so you’re ready when weather strikes.
If you want to avoid nasty and unexpected surprise maintenance costs, sticking to a regimented schedule of preventative maintenance is something you are going to want to get used to. The reason being is simple – frequent maintenance will keep your vehicle in good health, ensuring you get the most out of all those expensive-to-replace parts. While it might sound counterintuitive, the best way to reduce maintenance costs is to stick to a prescribed maintenance schedule.
There comes a time in the life of every fleet vehicle or commercial truck when you have to decide - is it time to retire that truck or van, or should you put the money into fixing it? At Glenn's Auto & Truck Repair in Petaluma, CA, we’re here to help.
1309 Ross St, Suite E-F-G
Petaluma, CA 94954
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